Well Foley has found has found new a gig as a talk radio host in Florida.
Foley taped his first “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley” show Tuesday and it will begin airing Sept. 22 on WSVU in North Palm Beach. The station says Foley will explore the inner workings of Washington.
Please tell me who really wants to get inside the mind of this pervert? NOT ME!
The first hour-long episode was an interview with Foley by the station manager. But as Foley gets comfortable, his producer said the show would go live, take calls, and have guests.
Foley resigned his House seat in 2006 after being confronted with spicy e-mails and instant messages he sent to underage congressional pages as he was trying to explore a different kind of Washington inner workings.
Foley had e-mailed one 17 year old page an invitation to stay at his home in exchange for oral sex. Foley also e-mailed another underage page with a request for a photograph of his erect penis.
Foley built a national reputation as an advocate for tougher laws against child sexual predators, during his time in congress.
The former congressman’s sexual orientation was long a poorly kept secret on the hill, nevertheless Foley maintained a false public persona, kept his personal life hush with the help of his GOP buddies, including GOP House Leader John Boehner, and supported some pretty hatful anti-gay bills during his time in congress.
However, once he resigned, Foley came out of the closet announcing to the entire world he was gay and checked himself into a rehabilitation clinic for alcoholism just ahead of an investigation by Florida law enforcement officials for child molestation…. Florida prosecutors later declined to charge Foley.
Up till recently Foley has had to make his living selling real estate in South Florida.
So I wonder if he will teach other congressmen how to solicit undeage page's without getting caught? What a DoucheBAG! I don't think this show will last long. Definately one that I will boycott.
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