Oh No, Did Conan fall down and go boom boom? I guess if he didn't have such an inflated head, this may not have been an issue...
The "Tonight Show" host Conan O'Brien was injured while shooting a stunt for his TV show, prompting the series to offer fans a repeat episode, NBC says.
NBC officials said in a statement that O'Brien hit his head while filming part of Friday night's episode, resulting in the night's first-run episode not being completed and therefore replaced with a "Tonight Show" repeat, The New York Times said Saturday.
E! Online said NBC confirmed O'Brien, 46, was taken to the hospital following Friday's accident. The TV network did not offer specifics regarding the accident or the extent of the injuries to O'Brien.
"Last thing I remember I was enjoying the play with Mrs. Lincoln, and the next thing I knew I was in bed being served cookies and juice," O'Brien reportedly said in a statement following the incident.
E! Online said, according to an unidentified insider, O'Brien hit his head while running down a flight of stairs during Friday's filming.
Guess you need to be a little less clumbsy O'Brien...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Joe Jackson's Precence Made Michael Jackson ILL!
I am still uncertain that the tapes that were recorded by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach should be released. Unless I have missed a letter of authorization from Michael himself, I find that the release of the tapes and the book he has written to be a violation of the Rabbi's confidentiality.
I am a bit disappointed that Rabbi Boteah is taking advantage of the death of the "King of Pop" and using the tapes to make some money with a book. NOT COOL!
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach said his book, "The Michael Jackson Tapes," discusses how the "Thriller" star would sometimes faint or vomit due to his fear for the man, CNN reported Friday.
How tradgic is it that one would become ill when they were near thier father...
Boteach's new book is based on 30 hours of interviews with Jackson, who died on June 25 at the age of 50.
"My father walked in the room -- and God knows I am telling the truth -- I have fainted in his presence many times. I have fainted once to be honest," Boteach quotes Jackson as saying. "I have thrown up in his presence because when he comes in the room and this aura comes and my stomach starts hurting and I know I am in trouble."
CNN said in the interviews, Jackson reportedly detailed how his father occasionally used violence as a punishment and once turned to alleged emotional abuse.
"God bless my father because he did some wonderful things and he was brilliant, he was a genius, but one day he said, 'If you guys ever stop singing I will drop you like a hot potato.' It hurt me," Jackson is quoted as saying.
I hope these tapes and the book do give a better insight to the pain that Michael felt in his life and help people understand that he was just a human being trying to find his way.
Sending my love to Prince, Paris, and Blanket... xoxo D
I am a bit disappointed that Rabbi Boteah is taking advantage of the death of the "King of Pop" and using the tapes to make some money with a book. NOT COOL!
A former confidant of Michael Jackson said the late U.S. singer would occasionally fall ill when he and his father, Joe, would share the same room.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach said his book, "The Michael Jackson Tapes," discusses how the "Thriller" star would sometimes faint or vomit due to his fear for the man, CNN reported Friday.
How tradgic is it that one would become ill when they were near thier father...
Boteach's new book is based on 30 hours of interviews with Jackson, who died on June 25 at the age of 50.
CNN said in the interviews, Jackson reportedly detailed how his father occasionally used violence as a punishment and once turned to alleged emotional abuse.
"God bless my father because he did some wonderful things and he was brilliant, he was a genius, but one day he said, 'If you guys ever stop singing I will drop you like a hot potato.' It hurt me," Jackson is quoted as saying.
I hope these tapes and the book do give a better insight to the pain that Michael felt in his life and help people understand that he was just a human being trying to find his way.
Sending my love to Prince, Paris, and Blanket... xoxo D
Economy Hit's all - Including Pamela Anderson
It seems that TV actress Pamela Anderson is having some money issues. Allegedly Anderson is $1.1M in debt for back taxes and work that was completed to her home in Malibu according to records in LA County California.
To date, five construction companies have filed liens against Anderson's home to seek payment for remodeling services.
The largest of those liens is for $674,043 for "labor and materials ... to remodel main house, construct swimming pool, construct foundations for guest house."
People.com said the former Playboy model allegedly owes $252,360 in back state taxes and penalties for 2007.
Representatives for the 42-year-old actress, whose film credits include "Scary Movie 3" and "Barb Wire," did not confirm the debt allegations.
I guess Pam needs to find some new work so that she can pay her bills. Not sure what work she could take on, but I hear the HOOTER's in her neighborhood is hiring. She may want to check it out!
To date, five construction companies have filed liens against Anderson's home to seek payment for remodeling services.
The largest of those liens is for $674,043 for "labor and materials ... to remodel main house, construct swimming pool, construct foundations for guest house."
People.com said the former Playboy model allegedly owes $252,360 in back state taxes and penalties for 2007.
Representatives for the 42-year-old actress, whose film credits include "Scary Movie 3" and "Barb Wire," did not confirm the debt allegations.
I guess Pam needs to find some new work so that she can pay her bills. Not sure what work she could take on, but I hear the HOOTER's in her neighborhood is hiring. She may want to check it out!
Who Leaked the Traclk by Leona Lewis & Justin Timberlake?
According to Reuters in London, someone hacked into a computer and stole a new track by Leona Lewis and Justin Timberlake which was to be released on Leona's new album. The Record lable SyCo and music trade body IFPI have called in the police to help them hunt down the thief.
The song, “Don’t Let Me Down,” is being considered as the first single release from the X Factor winner’s next album, according to the Sun newspaper.
“IFPI is working with SyCo and law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Europe to trace the individuals who stole the Leona Lewis/Justin Timberlake track,” said Jeremy Banks, head of IFPI’s Internet Anti-Piracy Unit.
“The police investigation is ongoing,” he said in a statement. “Such pre-release leaks, however they are sourced, are highly damaging to our members who invest considerable budgets in marketing and promoting music ahead of release.”
SyCo is music promoter and television talent show judge Simon Cowell’s division of Sony Music Entertainment, which signs up acts who appear on The X Factor show in Britain.
What is wrong with people, do they have nothing better to do. Why did they have to spoil this for Leona? Is it that important to ruin people's happiness... oh wait, Let's ask Kayne West, he's a good example setter for stealing someone else's thunder.
My apologizes to Lewis and Timberlake for some Douchebag's inability to have a real job and to leak your new song! I'm sure it is awesome, I haven't heard it, but I'm sure it will still be a number one seller.
Lewis won The X Factor in 2006, and her debut album “Spirit” topped charts around the world. Her second album is slated for release in November.
The song, “Don’t Let Me Down,” is being considered as the first single release from the X Factor winner’s next album, according to the Sun newspaper.
“IFPI is working with SyCo and law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Europe to trace the individuals who stole the Leona Lewis/Justin Timberlake track,” said Jeremy Banks, head of IFPI’s Internet Anti-Piracy Unit.
“The police investigation is ongoing,” he said in a statement. “Such pre-release leaks, however they are sourced, are highly damaging to our members who invest considerable budgets in marketing and promoting music ahead of release.”
SyCo is music promoter and television talent show judge Simon Cowell’s division of Sony Music Entertainment, which signs up acts who appear on The X Factor show in Britain.

My apologizes to Lewis and Timberlake for some Douchebag's inability to have a real job and to leak your new song! I'm sure it is awesome, I haven't heard it, but I'm sure it will still be a number one seller.
xoxo D
Lewis won The X Factor in 2006, and her debut album “Spirit” topped charts around the world. Her second album is slated for release in November.
Lady Gaga - Cover of OUT Magazine - My Personal Idol!
September's Issue of OUT has one of the hottest and newest pop artist up and coming! Lady Gaga. I find her entertaining and her sense of style impecable.
In her debut on the cover of Out magazine Lady Gaga channels ’50s B horror movies to create her most stunning and iconic photo portfolio to date. Of the shoot photographer Ellen von Unwerth says she was influenced by fantasies of “a kind of Frankenstein’s bride who gets attacked by a sexy vampire and becomes one herself.”
In the exclusive cover story, Gaga talks about living the glamorous life, her undying dedication to the gay community, and the moment the fame monster was born.
Out.com will also be featuring a Lady Gaga Video Contest with the best fan-made videos (as voted by Out.com readers) will win some major Gaga loot.
Head over to http://www.out.com/ to help celebrate their September issue and indulge in all things Gaga!
I can't help but just LOVE Lady Gaga. If you haven't fallen in love with her, you need to do some reading up on her, check out her fashion, and her ability to entertain the audience during her concerts.
In her debut on the cover of Out magazine Lady Gaga channels ’50s B horror movies to create her most stunning and iconic photo portfolio to date. Of the shoot photographer Ellen von Unwerth says she was influenced by fantasies of “a kind of Frankenstein’s bride who gets attacked by a sexy vampire and becomes one herself.”
In the exclusive cover story, Gaga talks about living the glamorous life, her undying dedication to the gay community, and the moment the fame monster was born.
Out.com will also be featuring a Lady Gaga Video Contest with the best fan-made videos (as voted by Out.com readers) will win some major Gaga loot.
Head over to http://www.out.com/ to help celebrate their September issue and indulge in all things Gaga!
I can't help but just LOVE Lady Gaga. If you haven't fallen in love with her, you need to do some reading up on her, check out her fashion, and her ability to entertain the audience during her concerts.
Photoshop - Just got to love the airbrush.... Jennifer Love Hewitt Trimmed Down
As soon as the Shape's Octobor cover was revealed , so were the rumors about the 'Ghost Whisperer' star Jennifer Love Hewitt airbrushed bare bikini body. Headlines like "Jennifer Love Hewitt is a Size 2 Again Thanks to Photoshop" and "How Much Photoshop Was Used On Jennifer Love Hewitt?" begin swirling around the blogosphere. In the issue, the 30-year-old Hewitt admits she's still insecure about her body from time to time. "I am a girl, after all!" she tells the magazine. But many are saying Hewitt's Shape figure doesn't match bikini photos taken of the actress just last month.
Blogs and other media outlets have been noting that Hewitt's newly svelte cover body doesn't quite match slightly curvier shots of the actress playing tennis in a black bikini last month. "Now, she is by no means an overweight woman, but even so, this health and fitness magazine airbrushed her size 2 ass," notes Evil Beet Gossip.
Hewitt is hardly the first star to fall prey to an overzealous, Photoshop-wielding art director.
In August, another health and fitness magazine, Self, weathered a firestorm of criticism for its blatantly altered cover shot of singer Kelly Clarkson, 27, that was ironically accompanied by the coverline, "Stay true to you and everyone else will love you too!"
Women's blog Jezebel.com probably summarized the outcry best, writing, "So even though Kelly Clarkson has said she's confident at any size and [editor Lucy] Danziger points out that Clarkson works out and is 'as fit as anyone else we have featured in Self,' the magazine's staffers decided having her instantly shed a few pounds would make her look even more confident and healthy. Oh-kay, then."
Does anyone else see anything wrong with this message that we are sending? What message does it send to the teen readers of these magazines? It's not okay to be who you are? I'm offended by all this photoshop cropping of the fat, you got it, then stay off the cover of a health magazine..... and look at work'n for the Clown at McD's.
Self editor Lucy Danziger responded to the brouhaha on her blog, defending the magazine and the practice of manipulating cover shots. In a post titled, "Pictures That Please Us," Danziger writes, "Portraits like the one we take each month for the cover of SELF are not supposed to be unedited or a true-to-life snapshot... We allow the postproduction process to happen, where we mark up the photograph to correct any awkward wrinkles in the blouse, flyaway hair and other things that might detract from the beauty of the shot."
A line of CRAP in my book... as Grandma Lee said on America's Got Talent, "Cut the Crap"
She goes on to add, "Did we alter her appearance? Only to make her look her personal best. Did we publish an act of fiction? No. Not unless you think all photos are that."
Ah, only to make her look her personal best, shouldn't the appearance she sports every day be her personal best? Hmmm, now we make concessions to what we think is "our personal best"
As savvy media consumers, we know that painful pimples and awkward cowlicks are almost always edited out of images, but is it naïve of us to expect that cover shots reasonably resemble the celebrity supposedly pictured? Hewitt's photo is not nearly as manipulated as Clarkson's but probably the most troubling aspect about both pictures is that they're on the front of health and fitness magazines. These aren't stylized fashion shots. These are magazines that tout ideals of health and wellness and self-acceptance. How can any publication in good faith encourage its readers to overlook their imperfections when every single imperfection has been removed from its models?
The bottom line is, it's probably not that big of a deal when a dimple of cellulite or an under eye shadow find their way to the digital graveyard, but in the case of Hewitt and Clarkson, we should care that cover models are an accurate representation of the ideals and headlines touted on magazine covers and in their pages. No matter what magazine editors tell us.
I can only speak for myself, but this is offense that they mulipulate the photo to fit the need of the magazine. Find a diffrent covergirl if they don't measure up to the magazine standards...
Enought said... xoxo D.
"The Beautiful Life" Canceled Already!
Poor Ashton Kutcher, "Spread" has less than steller numbers at the box office and not the CW network has canceled the new dramatic TV series "The Beatiful Life" after only two episodes.
Variety said the CW confirmed Friday that production on the drama, which starred actress Mischa Barton and model Elle MacPherson, was halted in New York after the series' first two episodes garnered unimpressive ratings.
The second episode of "Life" only earned 1.1 million viewers and was beaten out by a rerun of My Network TV's "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed."
The failed series will likely be replaced next week by repeats of dramas such as "Melrose Place," unidentified insiders said.
"Life," which followed the lives of several models, was loosely based on the modeling times of actor Ashton Kutcher, whose Katalyst production company produced the show with CBS TV Studios.
Variety said TBS meanwhile has decided to end the run of "The Bill Engvall Show."
Variety said the CW confirmed Friday that production on the drama, which starred actress Mischa Barton and model Elle MacPherson, was halted in New York after the series' first two episodes garnered unimpressive ratings.
The second episode of "Life" only earned 1.1 million viewers and was beaten out by a rerun of My Network TV's "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed."
The failed series will likely be replaced next week by repeats of dramas such as "Melrose Place," unidentified insiders said.
"Life," which followed the lives of several models, was loosely based on the modeling times of actor Ashton Kutcher, whose Katalyst production company produced the show with CBS TV Studios.
Variety said TBS meanwhile has decided to end the run of "The Bill Engvall Show."
Friday, September 25, 2009
Should Michael Jackson Tapes be Public?
Taped conversations between Michael Jackson and his one-time friend Rabbi Shmuley Boteach are the subject of a new book: 'The Michael Jackson Tapes: A Tragic Icon Reveals His Soul in Intimate Conversation.' The rabbi appeared on NBC's 'Today' show to discuss the 30 hours of recordings (taped with Jackson's permission) he used when writing the book.
"I don't think Michael will be looked at the same after people read this book," Boteach says. "It's impossible... So many of us who look at Michael as strange or weird - that's not what I experienced. [I saw] indescribable pain."
Should these tapes be made public? Should these private conversations be made available to all? Who is to say, I hope they shed a light on the true pain this amazing performer suffered. No one will ever know that pain he struggled with inside... May he Rest In Peace now! xoxo D
Watch the NBC interview below:
The Amazing Lady Gaga
Before Lady Gaga began appearing around town in her outrageous fashion and "bleeding" on stage at the VMA's this year, she was just a typical brunette jamming on the piano. Take a look at both video's below and see if you can see a diffrence.
Before Lady Gaga became the fasionista Lady Gaga playing a gig at The Bitter End
VMA's Performance 2009
You can not deny that Lady Gaga has us wanting more, wanting to see what she will wear next, and what performance she will give to stun, amaze, shock, and put us in awe. I must say, prior to Madonna, I don't think I have ever fell in love with an artist this fast. From fashion, to voice, to performance, Lady Gaga has it all. She get's three thumbs up from me...
Love you Lady Gaga.. xoxo D
Hader says he owes it all to Megan Mullally
Bill Hader a U.S. actor and comedian says that if it weren't for actress Megan Mullally, he might still be helping edit "Iron Chef" episodes.
Hader lends his voice to the protagonist, Flint Lockwood, in the animated blockbuster "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," which was No. 1 at the box office when it opened in the United States last weekend.
Asked at a recent New York press conference to describe his big break in show business, Hader recalled his fortuitous run-in with Mullally, a former co-star on TV's "Will & Grace."
"I was working as an assistant editor for 'Iron Chef' and I was doing sketch comedy in my free time, and I went to a show and Megan Mullally was in the audience because her brother-in-law was in the show, and afterward she was like, 'You were really funny!' And I didn't think anything of it," Hader told reporters. "And then, a month later at 'Iron Chef,' an editor was getting mad at me and basically saying, 'You'll never become an editor because you can't even be an assistant editor....' And Megan Mullally called me and said, 'I told (SNL producer) Lorne Michaels about you and he wants to meet you.' I had no manager, no agent, no headshot. Totally, Megan Mullally just gave me a career. I owe everything to her."
My favoriate picture of Megan Mullally... Got to love this woman!
xoxo D
Hader lends his voice to the protagonist, Flint Lockwood, in the animated blockbuster "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," which was No. 1 at the box office when it opened in the United States last weekend.
Best known for his days as a cast member on "Saturday Night Live," Hader has also appeared in the films "Superbad," "Tropic Thunder," "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian" and "Adventureland."
Asked at a recent New York press conference to describe his big break in show business, Hader recalled his fortuitous run-in with Mullally, a former co-star on TV's "Will & Grace."

Megan Mullally is one of my favoriate actresses. She is funny, has a great voice, and her role in Will & Grace was amazing.
My favoriate picture of Megan Mullally... Got to love this woman!
xoxo D
Jordin Sparks to sport a Milk Mustache
What a great example Jordin Sparks will be setting when she sports a milk mustache to help encourage teens to drink milk in the newest "got milk?" campaign.
The "American Idol" winner and the U.S. milk processors industry campaign have partnered with the VH1 Save the Music Foundation to create the "Drink Milk for a Change" program.
"I know that I am in charge of what I eat and drink, and my choices affect how I look and feel," Sparks said in a statement. "I skip the sugary beverages and reach for milk instead. Milk is full of important nutrients and is something I feel good about putting into my body. I encourage all teens to help make a difference in the world and drink milk for a change."
Debuting in Seventeen magazine, her ad reads:
"I've always had the power to wow an audience. But how do I get fired up to wow myself? I drink low-fat milk. Packed with protein and nutrients, milk gives me the energy to truly shine."
People are also invited to create their own milk mustache photos at bodybymilk.com. Please create your own picture and submit it. The more we share with the younger generation, the better the health of them could be in the future.
Thank you Jordin for doing your part in helping raise awareness. Your commitment is greatly appreciated.
xoxo D
The "American Idol" winner and the U.S. milk processors industry campaign have partnered with the VH1 Save the Music Foundation to create the "Drink Milk for a Change" program.
"I know that I am in charge of what I eat and drink, and my choices affect how I look and feel," Sparks said in a statement. "I skip the sugary beverages and reach for milk instead. Milk is full of important nutrients and is something I feel good about putting into my body. I encourage all teens to help make a difference in the world and drink milk for a change."
Debuting in Seventeen magazine, her ad reads:
"I've always had the power to wow an audience. But how do I get fired up to wow myself? I drink low-fat milk. Packed with protein and nutrients, milk gives me the energy to truly shine."
People are also invited to create their own milk mustache photos at bodybymilk.com. Please create your own picture and submit it. The more we share with the younger generation, the better the health of them could be in the future.
Thank you Jordin for doing your part in helping raise awareness. Your commitment is greatly appreciated.
xoxo D
Jermaine - Taking advantage of MJ's death to make money?
The mayor of Vienna stated that the Michael Jackson tribute which had been planned for the city and then canceled was not well organized.
The concert to honor the pop singer, who died June 25, was to have taken place Saturday, but was canceled after several acts in the announced lineup -- such as Mary J. Blige, Chris Brown and Natalie Cole -- said they had no intention of participating.
One must wonder why they announced that they have no intentions of participating... could it be that they have the same idea I have? It's about Jermaine making money and not honoring his brother's memory?
The event, organized in part by Jackson's brother Jermaine, was tentatively rescheduled for next year in London.
The BBC reported Friday that Vienna Mayor Michael Haupl told the city's council the ill-fated event would have been "very interesting ... had it been properly prepared and organized, but it was not."
I think the movie "This is It" should be the final, final, final tribute to Michael Jackon. He was a POP Icon and brought many of us join from his music and his concerts, but at what time do we allow it to rest? Again, who is thinking about the children and what all of this does to those three innocent, beautiful, courageous, and mourning children.
Get a grip Jackson family members trying to make a buck. Your amazing brother has passed, let him REST IN PEACE, allow his children to move on!
The concert to honor the pop singer, who died June 25, was to have taken place Saturday, but was canceled after several acts in the announced lineup -- such as Mary J. Blige, Chris Brown and Natalie Cole -- said they had no intention of participating.
One must wonder why they announced that they have no intentions of participating... could it be that they have the same idea I have? It's about Jermaine making money and not honoring his brother's memory?
The event, organized in part by Jackson's brother Jermaine, was tentatively rescheduled for next year in London.
The BBC reported Friday that Vienna Mayor Michael Haupl told the city's council the ill-fated event would have been "very interesting ... had it been properly prepared and organized, but it was not."
I think the movie "This is It" should be the final, final, final tribute to Michael Jackon. He was a POP Icon and brought many of us join from his music and his concerts, but at what time do we allow it to rest? Again, who is thinking about the children and what all of this does to those three innocent, beautiful, courageous, and mourning children.
Get a grip Jackson family members trying to make a buck. Your amazing brother has passed, let him REST IN PEACE, allow his children to move on!
Restraining Order for Daniel Giersch
Gossip Girl' actress Kelly Rutherford has been granted a temporary restraining order against her estranged husband, claiming that his presence has been threatening to both Rutherford and her nanny.
In the legal filing, Rutherford claims that Daniel Giersch "has begun to follow me, my mother and my nanny and he shows up unexpectedly to threaten and scare us." TMZ reports. Rutherford also claims that Giersch's behavior and the stress that has been caused by it has affected her breast milk production. We couldn't have that... the baby needs it's breast milk...
"From time to time I have some extra milk, but I never know when...I believe that the stress Daniel has created for me is also negatively impacting my ability to produce milk," the documents say, E!Online is reporting.
Giersch's lawyer says that the claims are"fabricated accusations," and that "Daniel will remain focused on co-parenting both of their children and not make any personal comments in order to continue to protect the children's need for privacy and well being."
Don't you just love the saga of the famous when they split. How much is true? Guess we will never know, we are not there, but again, there are children involved, so GROW UP folks and act like adults for the children's sakes.
xoxo D
In the legal filing, Rutherford claims that Daniel Giersch "has begun to follow me, my mother and my nanny and he shows up unexpectedly to threaten and scare us." TMZ reports. Rutherford also claims that Giersch's behavior and the stress that has been caused by it has affected her breast milk production. We couldn't have that... the baby needs it's breast milk...
"From time to time I have some extra milk, but I never know when...I believe that the stress Daniel has created for me is also negatively impacting my ability to produce milk," the documents say, E!Online is reporting.
Giersch's lawyer says that the claims are"fabricated accusations," and that "Daniel will remain focused on co-parenting both of their children and not make any personal comments in order to continue to protect the children's need for privacy and well being."
Don't you just love the saga of the famous when they split. How much is true? Guess we will never know, we are not there, but again, there are children involved, so GROW UP folks and act like adults for the children's sakes.
xoxo D
Time for Brit to get the kids back - 100%
A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge extended the current order, originally instated to manage custody during Spears' concert tour. The order allows Spears to travel with Sean Preston and Jayden James. Britney Spears will continue her 50/50 custody arrangement through the end of the year.
The pop star is also required to provide Kevin Federline with a place to stay if he decides to follow his sons on tour. In addition to the $20,000 a month Federline receives in child support, the judgment calls for between $20,000 and $25,000 each month the kids are outside of California. At the end of the year the judge will reevaluate the custody arrangement.
Britney has pulled herself together after some horrible drama in her life. I think that she has regained control and she should have full custody of her kids. Kevin is obviously out of control by the size of his waist. What does he feed the kids when he has them? Is he going to try to fatten them up so he's not the only pig? Time for Brit to get the kids back and stop paying him, he obviously needs to lose a few pounds, maybe if he had to work instead of living off of Brit's monthly payments he wouldn't be so out and LARGE...
If you didn't catch Brit in concert, you missed one heck of an experience. Brit your tour is AMAZING! Check out pics on her website...
xoxo D
A donation to the Smithsonian by Disney.
The Disney Theatrical Productions donated objects from the award-winning musical "The Lion King" to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History this week.
Costume elements from the show will join objects from the musicals "Cats," "Rent" and the "King and I" in the museum's permanent entertainment collections.
Designed by Julie Taymor, the costume components include Simba's stylized lion mask and headdress -- co-designed by Michael Curry -- and the costume, custom shoes and hat designed for Rafiki. The donated items were conceived for the original Broadway production of "The Lion King," which opened Nov. 13, 1997.
"Taymor's designs bring the story of Simba the lion cub, fulfilling his destiny to become king in the African Pride Lands, to life," Brent D. Glass, director of the museum, said in a statement. "This donation is a significant addition to the museum's entertainment collection and joins materials representative of Broadway hits."
"It is a tremendous honor to see Taymor's groundbreaking creative vision recognized by a world-renowned organization like the Smithsonian," said Thomas Schumacher, producer and president of Disney Theatrical Productions. "'The Lion King' is more than a musical -- it has become a global phenomenon, and this donation forever seals its place as an icon of American culture in one of our country's leading history museums."
What a great addition to the Smithsonian, thanks so much to Disney for the great addition to the collection.
xoxo D
Costume elements from the show will join objects from the musicals "Cats," "Rent" and the "King and I" in the museum's permanent entertainment collections.
Designed by Julie Taymor, the costume components include Simba's stylized lion mask and headdress -- co-designed by Michael Curry -- and the costume, custom shoes and hat designed for Rafiki. The donated items were conceived for the original Broadway production of "The Lion King," which opened Nov. 13, 1997.
"Taymor's designs bring the story of Simba the lion cub, fulfilling his destiny to become king in the African Pride Lands, to life," Brent D. Glass, director of the museum, said in a statement. "This donation is a significant addition to the museum's entertainment collection and joins materials representative of Broadway hits."
"It is a tremendous honor to see Taymor's groundbreaking creative vision recognized by a world-renowned organization like the Smithsonian," said Thomas Schumacher, producer and president of Disney Theatrical Productions. "'The Lion King' is more than a musical -- it has become a global phenomenon, and this donation forever seals its place as an icon of American culture in one of our country's leading history museums."
What a great addition to the Smithsonian, thanks so much to Disney for the great addition to the collection.
xoxo D
Jude Law does drag! Still Hot in a Dress!
For Jude Law's new film 'Rage' he dawns a dress and plays a transsexual supermodel named Minx.
Jude told PEOPLE Magazine that it wasn't easy for him to get into costume. "On the first day, it took a few hours because I had to remove all my hair. I'm a bit of a coward. I didn't go for the waxing. I just shaved it,"
Law admits the experienced some discomfort "when [the hair] grew back."
The Oscar-nominated actor, whose ex-girlfriend Samantha Burke gave birth to his fourth child -- a daughter named Sophia, co-stars in 'Rage' with Judi Dench, Steve Buscemi, John Leguizamo, Bob Balaban, Eddie Izzard and Dianne Wiest.
Can't wait to check out this flick.... Jude Law in a dress... xoxo D
Jude told PEOPLE Magazine that it wasn't easy for him to get into costume. "On the first day, it took a few hours because I had to remove all my hair. I'm a bit of a coward. I didn't go for the waxing. I just shaved it,"
Law admits the experienced some discomfort "when [the hair] grew back."
The Oscar-nominated actor, whose ex-girlfriend Samantha Burke gave birth to his fourth child -- a daughter named Sophia, co-stars in 'Rage' with Judi Dench, Steve Buscemi, John Leguizamo, Bob Balaban, Eddie Izzard and Dianne Wiest.
Can't wait to check out this flick.... Jude Law in a dress... xoxo D
Freak?? Marilyn Manson Blows Snot
Who in there right mind would blow there nose on stage and then announce they had the swine flu? According to video footage posted on TMZ, Marilyn Manson does. Couldn't he be charged with a crime? To me that would be blowing with the intent to infect?
According to TMZ, the clip they posted on Friday was shot Sunday at a concert in Ottawa while the 40-year-old freak was singing his song "Beautiful People". Poetic?
Manson reportedly was standing only a few feet away from fans in the front row when he emptied his nostrils.
"So I have officially been diagnosed, by a real doctor, with THE SWINE FLU," Usmagazine.com quoted Manson as saying on his Facebook page. "I know everyone will suggest that (expletive) a pig is how this disease was obtained. However, the doctor said, my past choices in women have in 'no way' contributed to me acquiring this mysterious sickness. ... Unfortunately, I am going to survive."
Unfortunately is the correct response. WTF is wrong with this guy? He could spread the Swine Flu to all of those who were close enough to be covered in his snot. YUCK!
What a FREAK! xoxo D
According to TMZ, the clip they posted on Friday was shot Sunday at a concert in Ottawa while the 40-year-old freak was singing his song "Beautiful People". Poetic?
Manson reportedly was standing only a few feet away from fans in the front row when he emptied his nostrils.
"So I have officially been diagnosed, by a real doctor, with THE SWINE FLU," Usmagazine.com quoted Manson as saying on his Facebook page. "I know everyone will suggest that (expletive) a pig is how this disease was obtained. However, the doctor said, my past choices in women have in 'no way' contributed to me acquiring this mysterious sickness. ... Unfortunately, I am going to survive."
Unfortunately is the correct response. WTF is wrong with this guy? He could spread the Swine Flu to all of those who were close enough to be covered in his snot. YUCK!
What a FREAK! xoxo D
Been Down & Away
Sorry for the lack of posting. I had a minor set back, but now I am back... you can check out my other blog at http://cancerrealitysucks.blogspot.com/
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