Monday, September 28, 2009

Lorne Michaels Won't Be Firing Jenny Slate Over 'SNL' F-Bomb

Well I guess we know the fate of Jenny Slate, not only does Lorne Michaels have no interest in firing Jenny Slate, the 'SNL' executive producer actually feels bad for the rookie, who uttered the F-Bomb on the air.  Ah, he feels bad? Not sure why he feel's bad, but OK.

In comments to the Washington Post, Michaels said the night was traumatic for Slate because "it was literally her first time on the show. There was nothing dirty, just a slip of the tongue. It was 'frickin', frickin', frickin' ' and then boom! The pain that Jenny is going through is, I'm sure, considerably worse than that experienced by anybody who saw it."

Pain? Dropping the F Bomb causes pain? No wonder I am constantly in pain...

"It has to be an actor's worst nightmare," Michaels said. "Your first time on 'Saturday Night Live' and this happens. You could sense the mortification in the studio."
NBC has also made it clear that Slate will live to joke another day at Studio 8H. "She will not be fired," said NBC spokeswoman Sharon Pannozzo.

Slate's F-Bomb, made during a sketch about foul-mouthed biker chicks, was only heard on the Eastern half of the nation. All other broadcasts were either bleeped or edited.

Regardless, 'SNL' doesn't use the seven second delay to prevent bad words from making it on the air. Instead, they use what Michaels calls "an honor system" that "pretty much everyone has played by forever."

"I don't want that show to be remembered for one word," Michaels said. "I feel awful."

Well I feel so much better that everyone is feeling bad... WTF? It was a slip, who cares... I found it hilarious!

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