Sunday, September 27, 2009

O'Brien released from hospital

The star of the "Tonight Show", Conan O'Brien is out of the hospital after hitting his head while taping a stunt for the program according to NBC.

The network said Saturday that O'Brien was released from the unnamed hospital after being examined.

NBC said O'Brien was injured Friday while running down a flight of stairs as part of a skit for the "Tonight Show." Ah, hmmm, running down stairs can be dangerous, don't try it at home folks...

"Conan is resting comfortably at home. He is expected to return to work on Monday," the network's statement said.

O'Brien released his own statement telling fans, "Last thing I remember I was enjoying the play with Mrs. Lincoln, and the next thing I was aware of was being served cookies and juice."

A repeat episode of the "Tonight Show" was aired Friday night after O'Brien's mishap.

I hope Conan has learned that he needs to be more careful or he will get more boo boo's... Looking forward to having you back Conan... xoxo D

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