Tuesday, August 25, 2009

John Gosselin want's a new JOB.

Jon Gosselin is sick of his reality show "nightmare" and wants to have a typical 9 to 5 job,would he be able to survive with a REAL job?
What is this guy thinking? He wants a 9 to 5 job. How about taking care of his children? Hmmm, that's would be an interesting thing for him to do. How about stop running around with young woman and man up and take care of his family.
This douche bag has it made making $75,000 an episode. Do you know for one episode he makes more than the average Joe does for an entire year.
I am thinking that maybe he shouldn't of created this "nightmare" reality life. I realize Kate is a control freak, and would get on my nerves as well, but come on. She has to deal with 8, yes, 8 children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Someone give the Douche bag a reality check.

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