Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Latest Jackson Saga

Dr Conrad Murray waited 82 minutes to call 911after he discovered the U.S. pop star stopped breathing, a police affidavit said. I wonder if this was because he knew his current course of treatment on the POP star was not legal?

Jackson's death on June 25th is not being classified by authorities as a homicide due to the amount of propofol and other sedatives which were found in the Jackson's blood.

Murray allegedly said he had administered several different types of drugs, including propofol, on the morning of the day Jackson died. If the good Dr was treating him for insomnia, why was he giving him sedatives in the morning? Don't most people sleep at night?

The coroner who performed an autopsy on Jackson's body reportedly found lethal levels of propofol in his system.

Murray discovered Jackson had stopped breathing around 11 a.m., 82 minutes passed before someone at Jackson's home called 911,stated in a search warrant unsealed Monday.

Murray insisted he left Jackson sedated for brief time to use the bathroom, then returned at about 11 a.m. to find he wasn't breathing. According to the search warrant, Murray's cell phone records show he made three separate calls, totaling 47 minutes, starting at 11:18 a.m.

The affidavit stated that Murray did not inform investigators, paramedics or emergency room staff he had given Jackson propofol.

The affidavit emphasized that detectives are still trying to figure out whether it was the sole actions of Dr Murray or the gross negligence of several doctors over time that caused Jackson's untimely death.

Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff stated "However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the time line reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11 a.m. not breathing."

Of course he would say that... he needs to collect a paycheck defending this negligent MORON. How tragic, we lossed an amazing entertainer because a MEDICAL DOCTOR is an idiot.

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