Thursday, August 27, 2009

Linda Hogan Wants Harley, Hulk in Jail

Well, the Hogan's are in the news and at it again. Linda Hogan is unhappy that Hulk Hogan has not turned over the Harley Davidson that she was suppose to get from the divorce agreement. Awww... How sad.

Linda says that if Hulk (Terry Bollea) does not give her the Harley, she wants hin to be "incarcerated". Caues it's my bike biatch...

Linda filed a suit in court, stating that claims he failed to pay her $225,000 per their settlement.

"We are proceeding against the Hulk with enforcement and contempt proceedings to make him comply with the marital settlement, whether he likes the agreement or not, and regardless of his stalls, emotional issues and games," her lawyers said in a statement.

A rep for the former pro-wrestler shot back. "Linda will receive everything she is entitled to under the agreement as soon as it is available to give to her."

Shouldn't we just put the two of them in the ring for a death match and see who comes out shining. Get a grip you guys, give her the bike and the money and get rid of her for good! MOVE ON!

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